Digimon Frontier Episode Guide

These episodes title are translated from the japanese version

1.The Legendary Warrior!Agnimon of Fire
2.Wolfmon of Light,The Battle in The Undergroud Labyrinth
3.Don't allow bullying!Evolution to Chakmon of Ice
4.My kick is painful!Female Fighter Fairymon!
5.Thunder power that shaking the ground - Blitzmon
6.5 Legendary Warrior vs the New Warrior!
7. Town floating in the sky! Toy Country of Toy Agumon
8.Save Everyone! Evolve, Tsunomon!
9. Chakmon is the Enemy!? Mysterious Forest of Televisions
10.Beast Spirit Out of Control!? Garmmon Evolution!
11.Defeat Me! Legendary Warrior Vritramon Runs Wild
12.Roar, Vritramon! Defeat Gigasmon
13.Awake Seraphimon! Secret of the Ten Fighters
14.Thunder! Even Rock Breaks! Bolgmon's Do-or-Die Challenge
15.Cool Beast Evolution! Calamaramon
16.Just Being Strong Isn't Enough! The Beautiful Warrior, Shutumon
17.Blizzarmon, Blow the Snow, Call the Glaciers!
18.Choo choo! The Trailmon Race!
19.Save the Bugermon! Tomoki's pure heart!
20.Mystery fighter lurking in the darkness, Duskmon!
21.Total destruction of 5 fighters!? Terrifying dark power!
22.To my home! Return of Takuya all alone
23.Feel the Power of Digimon! Takuya's Full-Body Strategy
24.Confrontation, Volcamon! Junpei, Fierce Fight with the Past
25.Tomoki's Lonely Battle - Asuramon's Trap
26.Ranamon's Tenacity! Female Digimon Personal Combat
27.Double Spirit Miracle! Beowulfmon is born!
28.Takuya's Fusion Evolution - Ardhamon's Explosive Attack
29.Escape! Phantasmagoric Sefirotmon
30.Soaring! Warrior of Darkness Velgmon
31.Sleep in Darkness,The Trailmon's Graveyard
32.The revealed Past! The Secret of Duskmon
33.New Warriors of Darkness! Lowemon & KaiserLeomon
34.Battle!! Venus Rose Ophanimon's Rescue Plan
35.Spirit Merge! Takuya and Kouji's Final Evolution
36.The Flight toward Victory! Confrontation at Cherubimon's Castle
37.Decisive Battle! As long as there is Life, Get Back the Digital World
38.The Endless Battle! The overture of Lucemon's revival!
39.Is this the Digital World?! Escape from the Moon!
40.Chosen Children?! The Boys who Manipulate Angemon!
41.Stop Scanning!The Tree of Friendship Beans
42. Protect the DigiEggs! The Miracle of Disappearing Life